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Easy Deer Meat Canning With A Pressure Cooker: A Step-by-Step Guide


Easy Deer Meat Canning With A Pressure Cooker: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Easy Deer Meat Canning With A Pressure Cooker: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Can Deer Meat with a Pressure Cooker

What do you mean by canning deer meat?

Backdate 4 How To Can Deer Meat - Petersen's Hunting

Canning deer meat is a method of preserving the meat by sealing it in airtight containers and processing it at high temperatures to kill bacteria and prevent spoilage. This process allows you to store deer meat for an extended period without the need for refrigeration.

Backdate 4 How To Can Deer Meat - Realtree Camo

How to can deer meat with a pressure cooker

how to can deer meat with a pressure cooker Backdate 4 Pressure Canning Deer Meat - YouTube
how to can deer meat with a pressure cooker Backdate 4 Pressure Canning Deer Meat – YouTube

Backdate 4 Pressure Canning Deer Meat - YouTube

Image Source: ytimg.com

Canning deer meat with a pressure cooker is a simple and effective way to preserve the meat for future use. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to can deer meat using a pressure cooker:

What is needed for canning deer meat

how to can deer meat with a pressure cooker Backdate 4 How to Can Deer Meat - Petersen
how to can deer meat with a pressure cooker Backdate 4 How to Can Deer Meat – Petersen’s Hunting

Image Source: osgnetworks.tv

Before you begin the canning process, you will need the following items:

how to can deer meat with a pressure cooker Backdate 4 How to Can Deer Meat - Realtree Camo
how to can deer meat with a pressure cooker Backdate 4 How to Can Deer Meat – Realtree Camo

Image Source: amplience.net

Fresh deer meat
Pressure cooker
Canning jars with lids
Canning salt
Seasonings (optional)
Canning funnel
Jar lifter

Step-by-step process

1. Prepare the deer meat by cutting it into small chunks or cubes.

2. Fill the canning jars with the deer meat, leaving about an inch of space at the top.

3. Add a teaspoon of canning salt and any desired seasonings to each jar.

4. Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean cloth to ensure a proper seal.

5. Place the lids on the jars and tighten them securely.

6. Fill the pressure cooker with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

7. Place the filled jars in the pressure cooker and seal the lid.

8. Process the jars at the recommended pressure and time for canning deer meat.

9. Remove the jars from the pressure cooker and allow them to cool before storing them in a cool, dark place.

Solution to preserving deer meat

Canning deer meat with a pressure cooker is an excellent solution for preserving your deer meat and ensuring that it stays fresh for an extended period. By following the steps outlined above, you can safely store your deer meat and enjoy it throughout the year.

Additional information

It is essential to follow proper canning procedures to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and ensure the safety of your canned deer meat. Be sure to check the seals on the jars before consuming the meat and discard any jars that show signs of spoilage.


Canning deer meat with a pressure cooker is a simple and effective way to preserve your deer meat for future use. By following the step-by-step guide provided, you can safely store your deer meat and enjoy it throughout the year. Remember to follow proper canning procedures to ensure the safety of your canned deer meat.


1. Can I use a regular pot instead of a pressure cooker to can deer meat?

No, it is not recommended to use a regular pot for canning deer meat as it may not reach the high temperatures required to kill bacteria and prevent spoilage.

2. How long can canned deer meat be stored?

Canned deer meat can be stored for up to one year in a cool, dark place.

3. Can I add vegetables to the jars of deer meat before canning?

Yes, you can add vegetables to the jars of deer meat before canning for added flavor and nutrition.

4. Can I use frozen deer meat for canning?

It is best to use fresh deer meat for canning to ensure the quality and safety of the canned meat.

5. Can I reuse canning jars for canning deer meat?

It is not recommended to reuse canning jars for canning deer meat as the seals may become compromised, leading to spoilage.

6. Can I adjust the seasonings in the jars of deer meat?

Yes, you can adjust the seasonings in the jars of deer meat to suit your taste preferences.

7. Can I use different cuts of deer meat for canning?

Yes, you can use different cuts of deer meat for canning, such as roasts, steaks, or ground meat.

how to can deer meat with a pressure cooker

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